Other Chicago Antiques and
Watercolor with Pen and
Ink by Diana Weber; ca. 1960 (a Chicago Artist)
State Street at Washington Looking
North from the Marshall Field and Co. Clock.

Prints, Canvas, and other items with the above
ARTWORK - Line Lithos - each individually color
washed and finished in pen and ink. The artist (Diana
Weber) has
over the past years produced watercolor with pen
and ink paintings of Chicago's famous landmarks
and skyline.
These paintings
have been offered in the portfolio in various
sizes. Each portfolio piece has been drawn from
scratch, painted with watercolors and line drawn
with pen and ink. This method is extremely time
consuming therefore allowing a very limited
portfolio. It has long been
the desire of the artist to be able to produce
these portfolio pieces in greater volume to fill
the ever increasing requests made by the buyer.
After many months
of experiment and work, the artist is pleased to
present this work for your inspection. Each
piece is individually painted with watercolors
and finishing details completed with pen and
ink. High quality and individuality is
maintained while a greater volume of work can be
offered at a much lower cost to the buyer.