New Museum Acquisitions.
Exciting isn't it? Getting a postcard in the mail. The Museum Director feels the excitement when he opens a package with a new, old postcard in it. Every card is so unique. The Museum will post the most exciting, newly acquired postcards here, so check back again to see the next surprise.

Clicking an image opens a full size picture in .png file format.

Embossed - Lincoln Park Academy of Sciences, Chicago, ILL
unknown manufacturer - pm 1909
note: The back is printed up-side-down, unusual for a postcard. It even fooled the postal sorter who placed it right side up for a postage stamp cancel, hence it being upside down. The postage stamp had to be manually cancelled with ink.

HOLD TO LIGHT - Palmer House, Monroe & State Street, Chicago #2409L
Joseph Koehler, New York.
note: Hold to Light: when held up to a strong light, the moon, the windows,
and vehicles light up brilliantly, as in the above image which is backlit.

World's Columbian Exposition Chicago 1893 - Transportation Building
Girsch & Roeksler
, New York - Joe Koehler, Sole Agent, New York.


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