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Embossed - City Hall, Chicago, ILL
unknown manufacturer
note: A late 19th century example of quality embossing. The detail is astounding.
You can see very small details like the bricks in the building.
It is hand painted with two colors highlighting the embossing even more.

Embossed - Lincoln Park Academy of Sciences, Chicago, ILL
unknown manufacturer - pm 1909
note: The back is printed up-side-down, unusual for a postcard. It even fooled the postal sorter who placed it right side up for a postage stamp cancel, hence it being upside down. The postage stamp had to be manually cancelled with ink.

Busy Person's Correspondence Card
Tichnor Bors. Inc., Boston Mass.

Illinois Tunnel, Chicago - # C21
Illustrated Post Card Co, New York - pm 1906
note: manufactured with glitter highlights - click for detail

1978 - Garfield the Cat (Jim Davis), Chicago - # 40-P8530
Argus Communications, Allen, TX
note: this is #1 of 2 Chicago cards

1978 - Garfield the Cat (Jim Davis), Chicago - # 40-P8540
Argus Communications, Allen, TX
note: this is #2 of 2 Chicago cards

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